Inspirational HERstory and Daily Devotionals

Books and Audio

Celebrating 150 years of Payne Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Church life BACK IN THE DAY SINCE 1872.

Select a book below to order.

Back In the Day
(print version)

Back in the Day
(ebook version)

Back in the Day
(Audiobook version)

Everyday Soaring
(print version)

He Calls Me By The Thunder
(print version)

Get Everyday Soaring &
He Calls Me By The Thunder

(print versions)

Back In The Day Founder's Day Presentation

Enjoy a brief seven-minute video based on the NEW book Back in the Day by Chaplain Lonzie Symonette.

The book is built on vivid and entertaining in-person interviews with five female pioneer descendants of Payne Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Colorado Springs, CO.

BACK IN THE DAY celebrates the history of 150 years in the wild, wild west of Colorado Springs as an established church since 1872.

Listen to free audio spoken word by Chaplain Lonzie as she shares her Quest for Real Happiness...

Real Happiness Is Within Reach

Have you felt a nagging void in your life? Something needs to be filled up, so you tried to fill it with all kinds of “stuff.” Many years were spent trying to unlock doors for true happiness. Pretentious stuff, adult games and toys did not fill the void in my life. Then unconditional love, meaning and purpose ended my quest for what was before my eyes all the time. The Key to Real Happiness is really unspeakable JOY in a Living and Personal God.